
Archive for July 22nd, 2007


26 degrees and a breeze! The shower is no longer a death-trap. The breeze is making the windows in the stairways slam and nobody can be bothered to secure them. I keep waiting for one to break and though I could make the trip across to the other side to shut them I also feel this fascination with waiting to see what might happen if one of them has to take a real hit.

I went tangoing last night. My new Argentinian dance partner is working out really well except that he’s decided to abandon me for three months to do a job for his previous employer in Australia. I just can’t win! The dance teacher was ‘typically Argentinian’ according to Damian – he said it with a big grin and I was not totally sure it wasn’t a put-down. They seemed to make good friends though, and decided to watch football together the next day. They spoke Spanish and I kept asking what they were saying – I should have known better. They were polite enough not to talk about anything interesting apart from the ugly stab about another dance teacher (‘he’s a thief’ – apparently some Argentinian slang expression was applied). Ahhh – I was reminded of my days of full-time back-stabbing and professional bitching and if-you’re-not-on-a-diet-you’re-not-one-of-us-and-yaboo-sucks-to-you. It was delightful being a dancer in so many ways.

We also met an Australian-Frenchman with an Italian name. Damian is a mathematician, and this OzzieFrenchman was attending a conference on bio/physics/chemistry or something and I felt wholly inadequate in their company. I’m just a photographer cum linguist who teaches English to adults and lose my temper a lot. The OzzieFrenchman spoke Australian in a French way – hard to describe really, but fast with a slight pout may cover it.

I took the night-bus back to the Rathaus where the film festival is on. They were closing shop and the remnants of the party were strewn around in untidy heaps refusing to go home while the cleaning crews were trying to stack chairs and remove glasses from clammy hands. An eerie spectacle.


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